Monday, November 20, 2017

Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants Review - Gør kunst dekoration til dit hjem den rigtige måde

Alle har deres egen præference i at gøre dekorationer til deres hjem, hvor andre ikke ønsker noget i deres vægge, da de foretrækker enkle og rene koncept. Men lad os se det i øjnene, at tilføje kunst virkelig kan gøre nogle magiske, fordi det virkelig giver energi og skønhed til alle rum.

Der er en ordentlig måde at dekorere et rum plads med kunst, men du kan være impulsive undertiden i at gøre din indretning, der ofte fører til et par fejl, det er derfor, Devin Fitzpatrick art Consultants giver nogle hjælp inkluderet i de efterfølgende afsnit for at undgå at have en dårlig kunst indretning.

Andre mennesker kan ikke lide at se på kunst, der er placeret for højt i et hus. Ved at lægge kunstværker på væggene, skal du først bestemme den rigtige og korrekt hængende højde på et stykke mod væggen. På denne måde, dens udseende vil være afbalanceret med hele væggen rummet.

Det er kun naturligt altid at sikre en passende skalering. Aldrig sætte små stykker i en større plads og det samme gælder med stor kunst i et mindre rum. Kunstværker, der oprindeligt er små kan sættes på en større mat eller en tykkere ramme, der passer til den størrelse af større vægge. Men hvis en "out-of-skala" design er din stil, så sørg for, at hvert element er ude af skalaen også, så folk vil vide, at det er lavet med vilje.

At have en væg collage er også en god idé, men før du bore en masse huller i din væg, billedet først dens slutresultat på dit sind. Og hvis det giver et godt humør og tiltalende udseende, så gå efter det. Hvis du ønsker at sætte forskellige sorter, så sørg for at arrangere alting ordentligt. Du kan organisere forskellige lærreder og indrammet kunst omkring dit hus, hænge smukke gobeliner eller pin up dyner. Kunst tager nogen form, så det er ikke begrænset til dem, der kan findes på væggene, søge efter mere dejlig kunststykker til at sætte i dit hus.

Er der et negativt rum eller tomme pletter i dit hus? Som navnet siger, det omfatter ingenting, bare en tom plads. Sådan plads kan også stå på den måde, det er, og kan være lige så slagkraftige, du simpelthen nødt til at gøre det arbejde. Dette kan give ro på grund af sin "mindre hektiske" udseende. Hvis du lægger for meget kunst på en bestemt plads, kan det ikke se godt længere, så planlægge dine designs omhyggeligt først.

Du kan også lag dine dekorationer til at have det sofistikerede-look, mens forbinder hvert stykke til hinanden. Sikring af hver kunststykke med et søm er ikke tilrådeligt, fordi Devin Fitzpatrick art Consultants ønsker du at have ret hængende værktøjer og hardware først før hængende et kunstværk.

Du har tidligere været informeret om at havekunst værker i forskellige former, ikke kun dem, der kan findes på væggene. Det ville være bedre at have forskellige kunstværker i dit hjem, hvor du kan se dem på toppen af en kommode eller på bagsiden af din sofa. Vide mere om kunst udsmykning med Devin Fitzpatrick art Consultants ' blogindlæg.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Eastern Alliance Insurance Group Review - Workers’ Compensation Insurance Program

Inova. The secure alternative to traditional workers’ compensation insurance, from Eastern Alliance.

For more than 15 years, Eastern has worked with employers whose workers’ compensation needs are best met by the alternative insurance model. Inova, an innovative alternative to traditional workers’ comp insurance, provides potential ownership opportunity, comprehensive workers’ comp resources, and experienced guidance and management.

Inova is much more than a smart alternative to traditional workers’ comp insurance. It’s strategically driven to provide additional benefits for your business:

·        The approach to risk and claims management is second to none, using industry-leading medical cost containment programs and strategic partnerships to ensure better outcomes for employers and injured workers.

·        Offers flexible ownership structures, which could provide you with a return on your investment.

·        Ability to take control of your cash flow with our flexible pay-as-you-go premium payment program, ParallelPay.

·        A return to wellness program with ecovery, Eastern’s holistic approach to helping injured employees return to wellness and productivity.

·        The commitment that Eastern will look out for you and make your needs top priority. At Eastern, we are dedicated to providing you and your employees with focused attention, expert guidance, and comprehensive care that makes you feel like you’re our only customer. We call that the Eastern Way.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Online Security The Email Edge: The New Cyber Crime

An email pops up in your inbox, saying you have a date in court. And it uses your first name. Pretty alarming, no? Not to worry — courts don’t communicate that way. It’s a scam — a variant of one that apparently has spread from Australia and the UK. But the purpose isn’t to bilk you out of money — it’s to steal your identity and get you to click on malicious links.

Welcome to the new spam, a phenomenon that threatens consumers and companies alike. Such schemes have long existed, but they are now more insidious, thanks to improved technology and the boundless creativity of the perpetrators.  

For example, the Internal Revenue Service warned this week that thousands of taxpayers’ W-2 records have been compromised. 

“This particular scam, sometimes referred to as business email spoofing (BES), reportedly first appeared last year, said the IRS,” reports.“Cybercriminals send emails to employees in payroll and human resources (HR) using slightly modified email addresses to make it appear as if the emails are coming from an organization executive, said the IRS. The email requests a list of all employees and their W-2 forms.” continues that the scam has “evolved beyond affecting just the corporate world and has spread to other sectors, including school districts, the health care sector, temp agencies and nonprofits, among others.”

It used to be that fraud artists rented an email sucker’s list: Many still do. But it’s expensive, and not as reliable as it once was. Anyway, why risk the liability to both sender and vendor? There are better ways.

Take the “snowshoe spamming” allegedly conducted by Michael A. Persaud. Persaud was indicted on federal charges this week, according to Krebs on Security.

“The Justice Department says Persaud sent well over a million spam emails to recipients in the United States and abroad,” Krebs on Security writes. “Prosecutors charge that Persaud often used false names to register the domains, and he created fraudulent “From:” address fields to conceal that he was the true sender of the emails. The government also accuses Persaud of “illegally transferring and selling millions of email addresses for the purpose of transmitting spam.”

It gets worse.ZDNet reported yesterday that spammers can spoof Gmail accounts, and that Gmail can’t stop them. Renato Marinho, a researcher from Brazilian security firm Morphus Labs, claims that Gmail “doesn't filter or indeed even warn users about dodgy messages from a spoofed address,” according to ZDNet. “That is, the email appears to have come from a Gmail account, but actually came from a non-Gmail server. It's not hard to imagine the fun that hackers and spammers could have with this behavior.”

The solution? Stronger cyber security at companies and institutions of all kinds — to protect customers, employees, and everyone. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group Review - Searching for the Perfect Tyre for your Vehicle has been Made Easier

Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group is a humble family-run company that has been dedicated to serving only the best car service to their customers. Taking care of your car to a whole new level is what the company values throughout the years. Their conviction in giving a good service to their customers has been proven effective in their years of service.

One of the services that they could help you with is finding the best tyre for your automobile. Their team is equipped with good skills and each is knowledgeable in handling car matters, so you can really depend on their expertise and trust their judgment.

A lot of different tyres are already available in the market so it’s not that hard to actually find one but what is hard is looking for the perfect match for your vehicle, thus Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group is offering their professional help to any individuals having a hard time choosing without getting scammed.

If you have other car concerns, you can also discuss it with their team since you can depend on their services such as brake checks, MOTs, free seasonal checks, and of course, finding the right tyre. Tyre&Auto has always been driven to only give a seamless service to people, resulting in a lot of loyal customers.

Do you need to renew the tyres of your car? No problem, because Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group can assist you in choosing the best tyre. There are some factors that you need to consider when deciding which one suits your vehicle, and it includes the size, climate and how you drive.

Important information about the tyre is already indicated in its sidewall such as its size, section width, aspect ratio or profile, radius, load capacity and speed rating.

For more careful assistance, visit their local depot today and Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group would be glad to help you.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group Review - How to Choose the Best Tyres for your Vehicle

There is a multitude of tyres available on the market today and it might seem difficult to choose the right tyre for your vehicle. Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group, as a company committed to taking care of your car, can help you choose the best tyre for your car with their knowledge and skills in car servicing.

But first, just a short introduction to Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group - it is a family run company that offers services such as helping you look for good tyres without getting scammed, car servicing, MOTs, brake checks and free seasonal checks. For more than a decade, it has also been trading on the South Coast of Hampshire.

If you’re planning to renew the tyres of your vehicle and you need help in choosing the right one, Tyre&Auto can assist you. There are certain elements that should be taken into consideration regarding this matter, and it includes the size, climate and how you drive your vehicle.

You’ll not have a hard time knowing the size of the tyre because it is already indicated in its wall. There are also different types of important information that the sidewall of a tyre holds wherein you can determine the following:

- Date and place of production

- Speed

- Load capacity

- Size

Other significant details that you can find on the wall of the tyre include its section width, aspect ratio or profile, as well as its radius.

There are particular factors that could affect the life of your tyre and it involves when your mileage per annum is high or low, or when you drive in inner city conditions instead of motorways. Based on the criteria you gave, Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group can help you with your choice even if you drive in a sportier manner that could also affect the life of your tyre.

For further inquiries, give them a call today or visit their local depots, and their team will be happy to help you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Japan Asia Group Limited Review Proprietary Technology Helping Consumers Select Most Suitable Power Supplier

Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of leading solar and green community developer Japan Asia Group (JAG), jointly with Yamaman Co., Ltd. has launched a new service that helps customers, in this case residents of Yukarigaoka1 with home energy management systems (HEMS) 2, find the cheapest and/or most suitable electricity supplier for their needs. This service was launched in June 2015 and comes as Japan is readying itself for deregulation of the electricity supply market. Proprietary technology of Kokusai Kogyo (patent no. 5717113), the service utilizes the actual energy consumption data obtained by the HEMS to pinpoint which power utility will provide the optimal service. While other companies provide similar services, so far, it seems, these are only based on monitoring via interview surveys.

Yukarigaoka developer, Yamaman, with the help of Kokusai Kogyo, is now providing its customers, who purchased houses with HEMS at Yukarigaoka (since 2011), with detailed diagnostic results about which electricity utility plan will be most economical for their circumstances, based on their actual energy usage data obtained via the HEMS. This after-sales support service is one way Yamaman is striving to maximize the effectiveness of its home energy management systems.

In April 2016, Japan will deregulate retail of electricity to households and small-scale business operators, a 7.5 trillion yen (approximately US 61 billion dollar) market. Opening up of this market—which when combined with the already liberalized retail electricity market to large-scale users, equates to a market of over 20 trillion yen—to new entrants is expected to lead to severe competition for customers. This is also expected to further increase competition in the large-scale user electricity retail market and the renewable energy generation market.

At Japan Asia Group, and Kokusai Kogyo in particular, we are investing significant effort to strengthen our range of renewable energy, energy saving, and electricity retail market-focused services and solutions to ensure we can make the most of the opportunity presented by this market liberalization. Of course, one aspect of this effort will be investigating how best to expand this initiative at Yurigaoka based on actual field trials over the next two months—to the wider market.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Japan Asia Group Limited Review - Investor Relations Calendar


Feb.14, 2017    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016


Nov.10, 2016    -       Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016

Aug.10, 2016    -       Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016

June.23, 2016    -     The 29th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

May.20, 2016    -      Investors Meeting for Fiscal Year 2015 Business Results

May.12, 2016    -      Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2015

Feb.12, 2016    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year  2015


Nov.26, 2015    -       Investors Meeting for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 Business Results

Nov.12, 2015    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015

Aug.11, 2015    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015

June.25, 2015    -      The 28th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

May.21, 2015    -       Investors Meeting for Fiscal Year 2014 Business Results

May.14, 2015    -       Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2014

Feb.18, 2015    -        Investors Meeting for the 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 Business Results

Feb.12, 2015    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014


Nov.20, 2014    -       Investors Meeting for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 Business Results

Nov.13, 2014    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014

Aug.20, 2014    -       Investors Meeting for the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 Business Results

Aug.12, 2014    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014

Jun.26, 2014    -       The 27th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

May.20, 2014    -      Investors Meeting for Fiscal Year 2013 Business Results

May.13, 2014    -       Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2013

Feb.19, 2014    -        Investors Meeting for the 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013 Business Results

Feb.13, 2014    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013


Nov.12, 2013    -        Investors Meeting for the First Half of Fiscal Year 2013 Business Results

Nov.12, 2013    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013

Aug.21, 2013    -        Investors Meeting for the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013 Business Results

Aug.13, 2013    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013

Jun.27, 2013    -        The 26th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

May.16, 2013    -       Investors Meeting for Fiscal Year 2012 Business Results
May.14, 2013    -       Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2012

Mar.22, 2013    -       Investors Meeting for the 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012 Business Results

Mar.14, 2013     -      Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012


Dec.19, 2012    -        Investors Meeting for the First Half of Fiscal Year 2012 Business Results

Dec.13, 2012    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012

Sep.11, 2012    -         Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012

Jul.26, 2012    -         The 25th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Jun.20, 2012    -       Investors Meeting for Fiscal Year 2011 Business Results

Jun.08, 2012    -       Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2011

Mar.09, 2012    -       Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2011

Feb.28, 2012    -       The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders


Dec.20, 2011    -        Investors Meeting for the First Half of Fiscal Year 2011 Business Results

Dec.08, 2011    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2011

Sep.08, 2011    -        Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2011

Jul.28, 2011    -         The 24th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Japan Asia Group was listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We are the 1,890th company to be admitted to this esteemed group. I hereby express my gratitude to all who supported us and our endeavors to create green communities.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Oakmere Wealth Management Advisors - Carla Brown BA (Hons)

I am the Founder and Managing Director of Oakmere Wealth Management and I am responsible for meeting with clients and providing Wealth Management advice.

I have worked in Financial Services for over 19 years in which time I have undertaken a significant number of qualifications. I achieved the status of Chartered Financial Planner in 2012 and I am a Fellow of the Personal Finance Society. These are the premier titles for financial advice professionals and shows that I have attained and maintained the highest and most prestigious level of professional achievement. I am also a member of the Society for Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) and hold the Later Life Adviser Accreditation.

Prior to setting up Oakmere Wealth Management, I had a successful career working for HSBC Bank Plc for several years.

I work closely with other professionals such as solicitors, accountants and other financial services specialists to ensure that my clients receive the best advice available. It is not unusual for me to work alongside clients’ own professional advisers, making the process simpler and saving valuable time.

Because of my strong client focus, I build my business solely on introductions, both from my private clients and from other long-standing professional relationships. My clients are keen to recommend me to their friends, family and colleagues so that they too may benefit from the sound professional advice they have themselves received.

I place a strong emphasis on my personal development and pride myself on my personal relationships with my clients.

Oakmere Wealth Management Ltd is based in Cheshire and also has offices in central Manchester. We provide high quality Wealth Management advice to Private Clients, Business Owners, Trustees and Charities.